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How to fix Cloudfare error 522 connection time out

How to fix Cloudfare error 522 connection time out

What is Cloudflare?

Cloudflare is one of the best CDNs (Content Delivery Network) out there. A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a system of distributed networks or servers that deliver webpages and other Web content to a user based on the geographic locations of the user, the origin of the webpage and a content delivery server. But, sometimes these network comes with very annoying error. The most common error is Cloudflare 522 connection time out error. This error 522 can be seen with most of user with Cloudflare network. The error codes starting from “5” are all server side errors. Hence, Cloudflare error 522 is also a server or network sider error.

How to fix Cloudfare error 522 connection time outWhy the Cloudflare error 522 connection time out occurs?

Being the best CDNs, Cloudflare sometimes requires many resources from your server. If you are not able to meet it demands the Cloudflare then comes with error 522. So, the whole issue is mainly with your server and not with the Cloudflare. The most commonly error occurs with the shared hosting domains. Since, the resources are shared and when the Cloudflare ask for resources and it does not get resources for its query, Cloudflare error 522 occurs. This happens because your server will be so busy to answer to all the queries.

How to fix Cloudflare error 522?

As I said, the shared hosting get lot of Cloudflare error 522 connection time out error. The best way to fix it error 522 is to reduce the bandwidth consumption and respond to the queries of the Cloudflare. The queries can be responded within 60 seconds.

Also there are other simple’s method with can help you avoid the connection timeout error due to error 522 in Cloudflare.

Compress Images

Big and high definition images takes lot of time to load. This increase the server load and hence by reducing or compressing the image you can reduce the server load. This will reduce your bandwidth and help in loading your website fast. This will surely help to remove the error 522 from Cloudflare.

Deleted Unused Plugins

Plugins also take lot of space and increase load of server. Many times my website was unable to load because some of the plugin were not working properly. Now, if you want your server to respond instantly delete the unwanted plugins and keep you website clean and clear. Use P3 wordpress plugin, which will show which plugin is taking too much time to load. This will help to keep a watch on the performance of plugins on your website.

Use Cache plugins

Deleted caches at regular interval of time will also decrease the load on the server. The two best plugin in this department are W3 total cache and WP super cache. These two plugins take care of the cache and increases the speed of your website. I am using these plugins and I have never come across any connection time out or 522 error till now.

Jetpack Plugin

This is also one of the best plugin. It has some of the best feature to increase the performance of your website. It has Performance and Security section, where you can enable the features which will increase the speed or performance of your website.

Final Words: Hope now you have go great methods to get rid of Cloudflare 522 connection time out error. Do share your thoughts in the comment section.