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How to make money with a blog for Beginners?

How to make money with a blog for Beginners?

What is blogging?

Blogging has become a very good option to make money these days for all the beginners in this field. Earlier very few people knew about earning money through online methods, but now everyone is busy making money by just sitting at home. So, let us find out exactly how to make or earn money with a blog when you are a beginner in blogging. Initially it takes time to earn money with the help of blog but after few months or year you can make living out of it. It all depends on how much time you are giving to your blog. So, let us learn how sharing ideas and thoughts through your article on a blog can help you to earn DOLLARS ($$).

How to make money with a blog for Beginners?

How to create a Blog?

First question arises about creating a blog. Now, there are two very popular platforms where you can create your blog, Blogger and WordPress. Now, if you do not want invest money on hosting you can choose blogger. But, if can spend some money and want a SEO friendly website and also want plugins to take care of your blog, you can go for WordPress. There are few advantages and disadvantages of both blogger and WordPress.

But, WordPress is the very popular in today’s market among bloggers. Once, you choose your platform, buy a domain name which will be your Blog website URL like You can choose a unique name depending on the topic you are going to write on your blog. Once, you buy the domain name and install the blog theme, you can go ahead and start posting articles. But, do research and find keywords for your blog to generate traffic to your blog.

I have shared a post on Keyword Magic tool of Semrush tool, you can get some ideas for finding keywords on this post.

Tools for blogging

There are two best tools of google which a beginner in blogging should always use. Google webmaster tool and Google Analytics are the tools of google, which check your blog performance in the backend. You have to first add and verify your blog to Google webmaster and Google analytics. After you link your blog to this tools, you can find out the resources and the keywords generating traffic to your blog. Also, you can check the position of your keyword ranking in Google with google webmaster tool. Google analytics is also best to improve performance of your blog.

The beginners in blogging should also know where they should find the keywords for their blog. There is a free keyword planner tool by google where you can search the best keywords for your blog. If you are using WordPress, Yoast SEO plugin will help you to use your targeted keywords in the blog post. Also, there are other tools like SEMrush and Spyfu which are also great for finding the long tail keywords for your blog. SEMrush is considered as the best tool in the market to find anything and everything about a blog.

How to make money with a blog for beginners?

Google AdSense

This name is very familiar among bloggers. If you are really want to make genuine and real money, you should first apply for a google AdSense account. You can easily get approve your google AdSense account if you follow all the AdSense policies. Once you have a fully approved AdSense account, you can start writing quality articles to generate huge traffic to your blog. Google AdSense is a CPC (cost per click) ad network, so the amount is based on the number of ads click on your blog.

So, you should also know how to increase your google AdSense income through these ads. The minimum threshold amount is 100$. Once, you reached 100$ the amount will get deposited into your registered bank account. If you are really new in blogging, do join this ad network first and start publishing ads in your blog.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is very different from Ads networks like AdSense. Here, you will be marketing products on you blog and selling them through your affiliated account ID. So, the products sold through your ID will be paid commission in return. Even, if you are getting 100 visitors and out of 100 only 5 are also buying the products shown on your blog, you can earn 50$ (10$ for each) in commission. So, if you can 50$ per day, then monthly (30X50$=1500$) you can easily make 1500$ which is really a great amount.

Clickbank is the best to make money through affiliate marketing. You can find multiple products in the marketplace with high commission. And if you are using Affiliate marketing and AdSense both on your blog, you can make more money. So, this is the major advantage in blogging. If you have handsome traffic in your blog, you have many ways to generate income from it.

Hope, this article has helped you to know everything about creating a blog and how to earn from it. The beginners can learn more when they start reading other blogs and keep writing quality articles. Do share your thoughts in the comment section.