Posted inSEO

Simple and easy way to bring your blog post on first page

The only way to get huge traffic to your blog is by bringing your blog post on the first page. Yes, you can easily bring your blog post on first page by just writing quality content and targeting proper keywords. So, the first thing you have to do is to add and verify you blog in Google Webmaster tool (GWT). Once you have added your blog in GWT, just add your sitemap and check the indexing and the crawling section to find any errors. Now, we are not going to focus on indexing or crawling or spiders, we are going to focus on search analytics. So, we will see step by step how we can increase you blog traffic using GWT search analytics.

Step 1- Login Google Webmaster tool

Once you login to GWT, you have to come to the section of search traffic->search analytics. Here, you will see a window as shown below. Now, once you get the below page, you have to check the box for Position, as shown below.

Simple and easy way to bring your blog post on first page

As you can see below, the first three columns are for Monthly volume, CPC and clicks, which are already present by default. But, Position column is added by us for more information about our keywords. Now, as you can see below, my blog keywords are on left side (Blurred) and right side has information status about them. Now, the question is how we will use this data to bring our blog post on the first page. That is a very valid question, but I hope few of them would have already got their answer I guess.

So, here you can see in the below image, I have highlighted the section for keyword position. Here, you can see the keywords are ranking on 1st and 3rd position on the first page of google. Because these keywords are ranked on 1st page and 1st position the number of clicks are more as shown below. So, we can say that more number of blog post on first page of google means more traffic, which will give more clicks. Now, how to bring your blog post on first page?.

Simple and easy way to bring your blog post on first page

Now, if you can see in the below image, I have picked some less click keywords, where my keywords are ranking 10 or more than 10 which a monthly search of 320/month and CPC $4.08. This mean, your blog post is not on ranking on top of the google search. Now, the you have to work on this keyword to bring it on the top. Just visit your blog and check the blog post ranking for this keyword.

Add some more quality content and focus your keywords in title, meta description, h1, h2, h3 tags etc. and get some backlinks. Also, check the blog post of other blogs which are ranking for this keyword. Once, you have added quality stuff and right keywords on your blog post, again repost it with a new updated date. Google will index your blog post in few days and it will come on the top of google search engine. Now, you will enjoy more traffic and more clicks to your blog post.

Simple and easy way to bring your blog post on first page

Hope, this article will help you gain some knowledge about google webmaster tools and keywords. Do share your thoughts in comment section.